Saturday, June 7, 2008

Know about UMA/GAN

UMA , 3GPP says it GAN. Both are OK as they do not have any major difference. I will be using UMA term further in this article. Some people call UMA a cross-over technology because they think that its a temporary solution ..well that’s not true. UMA may have a life if operators have courage to embrace it. It opens up wonderful opportunities for every one ..for operators, manufacturers ..and most important for people.

Guys who really don't know what is UMA -> Google it, short UMA offers a mobile handset user a seamless walk from a WiFi spot (your home, coffee shop ...) to GSM network (on road ...). Is any body using it ...of course lots of people in U.S.A. But why would I trash my GSM phone for new one ? Well its for you if you

- like to talk a lot on mobile -> find a WiFi spot & talk unlimited anywhere in the world(your operator may charge you additional fee if out of USA ??)
- don’t a like drop call while you are in home -> no problem even if you don’t receive GSM signal at your home
- want to save money -> no more aftershocks

Now do you really think that if 3G/UMTS is really there then UMA will die you know that UMA can coexist with UMTS too …so you got the option of GSM-UMTS-UMA together -> still you can save money & talk more -:)

UMTS is not able to beat GSM in all these years but UMA can live with them forever.